What is Abdominal Massage for Gut Health?Abdominal massage is a therapeutic practice that supports gut health, promotes relaxation, and enhances overall well-being. This technique involves gentle pressure on the abdomen to stimulate the GI tract, improve digestion, and relieve discomfort.
It often includes visceral release, which targets the internal organs to enhance their function, reduce bloating, and alleviate digestive issues. The therapy also incorporates lymphatic drainage, which encourages fluid movement to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation. Additionally, abdominal massage helps release imbalanced fascia—the connective tissue that can become tight or restricted, leading to pain or limited mobility. |
First Appointment Recommendation:
For your initial visit, I recommend a 45-minute massage therapy session to assess your needs and discuss a personalized treatment plan. Future sessions can be 30 minutes to focus on targeted areas of concern. Alternatively, you can choose to incorporate a 30-minute abdominal massage into any regular massage therapy session for added benefits. I look forward to helping you feel your best! |
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59 Bruce Street - Wortley Village